Thursday, March 6, 2008

Casa De Chihuahua

The Casa was over last night jamming out on their song Canyon. I thought it would blow the roof of the place. Hopefully we have some usable footage to put together a fun music video for them. After 2 takes the stars said "That's All Folks!".

1 comment:

  1. And boy did we drink some moon shine! I thought the taste was like gasoline and lead, or maybe snake venom and fire flies. I never thought I would see a wash board played across the street from The Waverly Inn. It was a real "hoe down" complete with sweaty banjos and tattoos and serious hillbilly authenticity. They asked us to come down and stay with them in Virginia. Albert said, "No way.." But I think I might convince him that the summer might be the perfect time, once the oil economy has collapsed, to start the commune.
